Pitstop folks are always very fortunate to get featured. I was indeed very honored to be featured in the Straits Times, Newpaper, Chinese papers, school magazines, websites etc...
Now to add on to my portfolio, I was recently featured on the radio!
Just what exactly was the feature about?
drum rolls...
"vehicles traveling towards Lower Delta exit along AYE. Please be careful as there is an accident on the 3rd lane..."
And yes, that was me...
Slammed my car right into the rear of a Subaru.
If it's any consolation,
ok, at least I was featured.
Well, if it helps... Fellow Pitstoppers...
The numbers are 5272
Pitstop cafe, 5272
Featured on Radio
Posted by
12:41 AM
Let our powers combine...
At Pitstop Cafe, we explore new ways to bring fun and laughter to everyone. So far there has been lots of fun and exciting events such as food hunt, bike quest, MSE day, etc. The latest event that we have a leg in, was the NTU MSE Day. Together with one of our supported club (NTU FastForward Club), the event was a great success. Check out the highlights of the event....
NTU MSE Day – Fusion 4
Held at the Nanyang Auditorium Foyer on the 10th of August 2007, MSE Day – Fusion 4 turned out to be a smashing success, especially in the areas of publicizing NTU FastForward. We would like to thank PitStop Café for loaning some of the games, MSE (Materials Science Engineering) Committee and of course, our very own members and gamemasters for gracing the occasion. We look forward to collaborating with the MSE committee for their next MSE Day.
‘Nuff said, hop on down for the pictures.
Like an appreciation on boardgames? What other better ways than to be part of NTU FastForward!
Taking the very first step in the right direction by playing Blokus Trigon.
(Trigon rocks my socks!)
Mr. Tang at 1000 hrs…
Half an hour later…
Ladies, if you need someone who know all the right moves, look no further than Mr. Tang. “High score! 153!”
MSE Subcommers (in purple) initiating their fellow students in the art of Rat-a-tat-Cat.
Like to be a hit with the ladies? Play board games!
Enrapturing Game Hostess for Marriage Material...eh photographer how come never take the front view!!!
“We are all full at the moment, even the balcony has been taken. Kindly make your reservations at least one day in advance to avoid disappointment.”
Unidentified noisy object....
a hit among the guys...
and it attracts ladies as well...
Now you know why he so happy....
Of course, the ever popular fishing game attracts quite a bit of crowd as well...
What an apt screensaver!
Mum look, no hands!
Hey thats my fish!
Even the profs are here to have some great fun!
Now what's that slip among the goodies in the MSE goodies bag?
Free double scoop sundae at Pitstop Cafe....sweet!
Congratulation to both NTU FastForward and MSE for their success in organizing the event. Special thanks to NTU FastForward for providing the write up and the pictures. It has been a pleasure for Pitstop Cafe to be part of all these fun!
If you have a fun and interesting event and like us to be part of the fun, do drop us a email at pitstopcafe@gmail.com
Pitstop Cafe, being part of the fun everywhere!
Posted by
9:16 PM
New Pitstop Branch...
Pitstop cafe is always searching for new business ventures.
It was one rainy day when an idea struck me...
After a cool rainy day...
Tons of pitstoppers strolled in with their umbrella to avoid the heavy downpour.
Pink umbrellas, green umbrellas, umbrellas with casing, umbrellas with LV print...
hours and hours of fun within the cosy respite of pitstop cafe, while rain poured heavily outside.
Really all sorts of umbrella that will get Rihanna moaning, "ella-ella-ella-eh-eh..."
Finally the rain stopped, pitstoppers wave us goodbye, we smiled at them goodbye..
Lo and behold, we saw the aftermath,
throngs of umbrellas lined the path.
The pitstop umbrella booth
And now we can sell umbrella or even rent them out.
That's a joke ok? don't get too uptight!
Anyway, those folks who have left their umbrella here, your umbrellas are safe with us...
please come and collect them if you have identified your umbrella in the picture!
Pitstop cafe, rain more and we can sell umbrellas
Posted by
3:55 PM
monday blues
And I had thought most folks are either back in school,
or recovering from their Monday blues.
Pitstoppers really know how to have fun after all...
Well, not just among themselves but with other folks and more!
What was thought to be a quiet Monday evening was filled with laughter and zest by a group of SIM students, who took their game to a new level through a series of forfeits and pranks...
Two cute chicks, one from Singapore, the other from Taiwan...heh heh heh
which our Taiwanese friends and Singaporean host, were also game enough to accomodate their jokes and even played along with them.
can i be the victim of the forfeit?
It was really entertaining to see folks gel together and play together. It was really entertaining, especially for a poor folk who was standing the whole night behind the counter.
Yes, Hallelujah! thanks for entertaining me.
They SIM to know what they are playing
Trust me, Taiwanese girls are not as shy as they are perceived to be...
And I had thought one prank was all.
Nope the group had more.
Some of the pranks were downright irksome (chilli, ketchup cocktail),
some were just hilarious
and others had other purposes...
Getting a guy to dance, hmmm...i wonder...
hey come on, you can also try picking up the guy at the counter...
Well, thanks folks for that awesome night!
your unique personalities really fill up the walls of Pitstop!
Pitstop cafe, be part of the fun
The guy at the counter
Posted by
10:19 PM
Happy Birthday Singapore!
Today is Singapore 42nd birthday. This little red dot has definitely achieve a lot since its independence. We wish that Singapore continue to grow and prosper in the years ahead!
It also happened to be Tim's birthday too. So if you guys see him at the cafe, do send him your best wishes!
We love Singapore. Its not perfect living, but at least it is interesting!
Pitstop Cafe, be part of the fun!
Posted by
12:46 AM
Coverage on Pitstop Outing
It was a great Sunday afternoon, where the Pitstop folks took a day off work to enjoy the sun, sand, sea and have some serious fun.
Company outing 2007, Sentosa
To our surprise, some pitstoppers actually joined us in this event, making the whole outing very lively and 'happening'.
Well, usually I really abhor those ice breaking games like dog and bone, catch the jone and what have you... But today's Pitstop company outing made me understood that:
It doesn't matter where you are or what you play, it's the company that matters.
The ever growing Pitstop family, call us to be part of this friendly working environment!
True enough, though we were engaging in mundane games that we probably played in our primary school orientation, I truly enjoyed myself in the midst of all these people I enjoyed to work with and enjoyed to play with.
I dunno why, somehow I just find this picture extremely hilarious
The afternoon started off with a heated game of captain's ball. both teams try to score by passing a ball to the 'seeker' at the end of the court. Be it pass balls, catch balls or grab balls, the teams were so competitive that we had sand on our body, in our eyes and of course, our balls...
We caught tommy changing in the tent, due to censorship rules,we can only display this slightly more modest looking photo
Next, we tried a classic game whereby after winning a game of scissors, paper stone, the loser will have to stretch his/her legs towards the winner.
don't laugh too soon...
The fun of this game lies in that no matter how many times you win, its really the last move that determines if a person wins.
Indeed I'm surprise by how much the girls could spread their legs...
It might turn against you
Well,how can a Pitstop outing be complete without boardgames?
Bringing Cash and Guns, a new game which involves robbers shooting each other in the attempt to split the loot amongst the midst of an undercover cop trying to pull down the posse.
Sounds exciting?
Indeed, when a group of folks who were so used to teaching people game, you can almost be sure that the whole game was filled with intrigue, schemes and cock ups.
just imagine Astroboy in an attempt to review his ammunition card, flipped the wrong card and revealed his identity of an undercover cop instead!
The Pitstop Posse
Now, the afternoon's only half begun.
The folks now lined up to for the classic dog and bone. Usually, ill scorned and jeer at such 'bo liao' activity. But once again,
it's the company that matters.
Playing with people whom you have washed dishes with, make drinks with, taught games with and scolded at, it's really enjoyable.
Dog and bone, the line up
Joo, being in jeans at the beach, was made the game master for the game. Basically, all of us were given a number, and when the game master announced the number, the players from both sides have to rush to snatch the bone without the opponent touching you.
Initially, it was orderly, only one from each side
when situation gets stagnant, more comes
Then more and more came
Sometimes, the game master gets too bored, so he does funny things like burying the bone in the sand. and the result?
Everyone just stood around, digging
Finally, we decided to change game. This time round, we played a very weird game.
We will form a circle, a folk will walk/run pass people around the circle.
The moment you are tapped, you are suppose to jumped up and chase the other person who tapped you. The other person, in turn, have to quickly rush back to the seat where the person was previously sitting on.
Running in circles
Well, do you see the fun of this game?
Seriously, I don't.
It's odd.
it's just about running in circles, no depth, no intrigue at all.
But seems like everyone's got a helluva laughter.
It's really odd.
Still running in circles
And once again, it's the company that matters, you can be running in circles and you will still have fun.
And that's because?
well, ya know what this is...
Repeat after me at the count of 3!
Because you are running in circle...
And of course, in every game there will be a person doing forfeit.
We have our fabulous Peirong to do her exotic dance with the coconut tree!
We will upload the full version soon.
Peirong and her magic stick
The day is coming to a close, and what's a company outing without a prize presentation?
Taking this opportunity, Pitstop cafe would like to express our gratitude to all who have worked with us in making Pitstop cafe what it is today.
Particularly so to some folks who have put in extra effort and go that one more mile beyond their job scope.
Carolin, our most senior staff, who carried on working despite having stomachache
Smith, our most eloquent staff who even uses pitstop cafe wall paper for his blogsite, sits and plays with fellow Pitstoppers (though i'm sure he does pretty selectively...)
Joo, our most caring staff, so voluntary that he can even work for free...
Alfie, our astute and decisive naval officer who ensures that all responsibilities exceeds your expectations
Peirong, who started with lotsa mistakes like making 10 cups of ribena when customers ordered something else to a sharp and engaging chick, where guys flocked to Pitstop to look at
Anyway, the prize shown in the pictures are just props, all these folks will get a pair of movie ticket passes!
And you think that's all?
To reward the crew even further, Pitstop cafe brought the crew out for dinner.
Though nothing particularly glam, this dinner is really a gesture to show how much we value our Pitstop crews.
yea.. we value them as nothing particularly glam.Hahahaha...
tell them to go sentosa to play games they don't want, the moment got free dinner, see how many people turn up?
Seeing at the happy faces of them all, I must say that I felt satisfied despite the opportunity cost incurred in turning down more than 10 groups of customers!
The opportunity of making more money is pale in comparison to seeing a group of people who do not even know the existence of each other, a group of people of diverse background and working style bond together like close friends.
Above all, such close friendships fostered among the crew is what made all the late nights, dirty dishes, smelly toilets and mean bosses really worthwhile and memorable.
wonder why joo's hands are postured in such an awkward position?
Pitstop cafe, it's the company that matters...
and the company is Pitstop cafe...
just what do you think I was referring to?
Hahaha! Cheers!
Posted by
10:50 PM
Online Reservation Back in Action
The online reservation is running again. You can use it to make your reservation at Pitstop Cafe. Do remember to make your reservation at least one day in advance if you are doing it online. Alternatively, if you want to hear our sweet and lovely voices, you can call 65355383 and make your reservation.
Pitstop Cafe, back in action!
Posted by
10:35 PM
Online Reservations- Annoucement
Due to server error, we are currently not accepting online reservations until further notice.
Kindly call us @ 65355383 for reservations or email pitstopcafe@gmail.com.
For those who have made online reservations, pls call us to confirm your reservations. Thank you!
Pitstop Cafe, call us
Posted by
10:24 AM
Pitstop Outing!
In order to make your visit an enjoyable one, the Pitstop crew have been stretched beyond their ability to go that extra mile for you!
Forsaking family commitments, orientation gathering, opportunity costs, they have given their time for Pitstop cafe!
In order to reward these dedicated crews, we decide to hold a Pitstop outing for all crews and ex-crews!
Pitstop outing venue, anyone?
The outing will be held in Siloso beach, Sentosa this Sunday(5th August 2007)at 1200pm. Pitstop cafe will be closed on that day.
We apologise to folks who are intending to make a reservation on that day. You can always join us at Sentosa for the Pitstop outing cuz YOU have been pivotal to the fun at Pitstop cafe!
More updates of the outing... stay tuned!
Pitstop cafe, be part of the fun EVERYWHERE!
Posted by
11:58 AM